Orme Ltd are putting their creativity to the test to raise funds for men’s health by taking part in Movember. The Movember Foundation was created so that individuals could grow a moustache throughout November to help raise vital funds towards preventing males from dying too young; a small solution to a very large issue.
Movember is an organisation that has currently funded more than 1250 ground-breaking men’s health projects around the world and has developed into a global charity gaining the support from over 5 million ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sistas’. Movember prioritises funding for the three largest issues facing men’s health today which are prostate cancer and testicular cancer together with mental health and suicide prevention, working endlessly to ensure that all of the funds raised significantly provide an impact on the male health crisis. All of the research that The Movember Foundation carries out, contributes to the prevention of men dying too early and their aim is to reduce this by 25% by 2030 and they believe with the help and support of the public, particularly with companies and individuals supporting Movember such as Orme, this is an achievable target.
Orme progress can be followed on social media over the month or if you wish to join them in supporting the charity aiming to beat men’s health on a global scale all year round, donations can be provided to Movember through Orme’s team sponsorship page: https://mobro.co/ormearchitecture?mc=1